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Final: Design Portfolio Book



You've created the content, learned the technology, and developed a personal brand. You are ready to PRODUCE PRINT!


For this assignment, you will take all of the designs you've created to make a full-length, print book, using the online publishing platform 


How you design your book is up to you. Your choices should be driven by the rhetorical concepts of audience, purpose, and occasion, as well as relevance to your brand and content. Consider how you would use this book. What size would be best for your design and most appealing to your readers? What organization? Colors? Page designs? Would a hardback, like a coffee table book, be most relevant to your brand or would something more like a magazine, trade book, or scholarly journal make sense? Please note that hard cover books take longer to produce and this is a significant consideration with the deadline of the end of the semester looming. 


Your book must contain the following components:

  • Cover design with title

  • Interior title page

  • Introduction (sort of a brief letter of transmittal to readers)

  • Table of Contents

  • Section dividers (eg, Flyer Redesign, Branding Package, Page Layout, etc.)

  • Text to accompany each section or piece explaining your design choices

  • Author's bio

  • Fly leaf pages (one blank page at both front and back of book)


You may add any additional elements that you would like. Just make sure that they are included in the table of contents and appropriately labeled with section dividers, headings, etc. Ideas for optional content would include

  • Resume

  • Creative Writing Samples

  • Design from other courses

  • Web design

  • Photography

  • Inspiration samples


When I evaluate these books, I will be looking for a consistent design strategy that makes all of the elements feel unified as well as relevant design choices. This project should demonstrate mastery of design concepts covered in class and in our textbook (eg, composition, balance, color, type, layout, proximity/information hierarchy, etc.).


Submission Specifications:

  • Due Date: Thursday, December 8

  • If you would like a hard copy of your book, order two as I will be keeping one

  • Weight: 30%


Note: says it takes "2-5 business days" to ship your books to you. Give yourself plenty of lead time so that you aren't freaking out during the last week of class.
Note: My goal is to celebrate our final projects with a small gallery show on the final day of class (12/5). We will spend the last few days of class time making invitations and artists' statements for this event.


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